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«already» vs. «yet»

Most people get confused on how to use the words ‘already’ and ‘yet’, since they refer to something that has happened or has not happened.  It is important to know that one of the words is used in positive statements, while the other is used in negative statements and questions.  To have a clear understanding [...]
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«Good» vs. «well»

Do you do your job well or good? Do you have a well or a good level of English? Good and well are commonly confused since they are both used to describe. To know the clear difference between these two words, we need to learn how each one is used. good: Describes things, people, appearance, [...]
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To raise vs to rise

Does the sun rise every morning or raise every morning? Do these words mean ‘to go up’?  How do we use them? Let’s learn the difference so that we know how to say it! to raise: To move an object (person or thing) to a higher position. Examples: - Chloe always raises her hand in class when [...]
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Getting it Right!

#72 It is very important to know the difference between who and whom when making questions. These two question words can be confusing to most students since they are similar in form. However, they are used differently according to the person. You will need to see if the person is at the beginning or at [...]
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Knowing Makes the Difference!

#71 The words lend and borrow are confusing to many learners. The reason being that both are similar in meaning, but they are used differently depending on who does the action. Do you borrow to or borrow from someone? What about lend from or lend to someone? Let’s learn how to use each word because [...]
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Say it right!

#70 When do we know we’re using explain and repeat right? When speaking, is it correct to say repeat me or repeat it to me?  What about explain me or explain it to me? In this tip, you will know the clear difference between the phrases, so that you learn to say it right! Use [...]
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To double or not

#69 How do we know when to double the last letter of a word? When writing a verb in its –ing form, is swiming or swimming correct? What looks better to you: fixing or fixxing? Well in this helpful Georgal Tip, you will learn when to double or not, so that you learn to spell right! Spelling [...]
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beside vs. besides

#68 A simple letter marks the difference: Is your phone beside or besides your computer? Do you speak any other language besides or beside English? These two words are very similar but let’s learn their meaning to express them the right way! besides: It means apart from. Examples: -Besides your dog, do you have any other pets? -I have other responsibilities besides work, like [...]
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a commitment vs. a compromise

#66 Is having many responsibilities a compromise or a commitment? Is it easy to reach a compromise in a business deal? We commonly confuse these words and relate them to Spanish, so let’s learn the difference to use them the right way! a commitment: an obligation Examples: - I promised to go to the event, [...]
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