How to make small talk


How good are you in a casual business conversation?

For example, when you are waiting for an appointment, attending a conference or having a business lunch? Well, it’s not an easy thing to do for many people.  Many great friendships and business relationships started with a simple talk about the weather. So that you learn to master this skill, we present to you the following tips:


Make the person comfortable

a) Give a friendly greeting: Be simple and direct. For example, “It’s so nice to see you Susan.”

b) Have “open” body language: Give the other person all your attention; show interest.

c) Keep it light: No criticism, negative things, or controversial topics. For example, “Isn’t learning English interesting?”


Start talking

a) Establish a connection: Think about what you have in common. For example, “I just love coming to Mexico City.”

b) Engage the other person: Get the other person to share his/her ideas. For example, “Is this your first global conference?”

c) Listen! Make a conscious effort to remember what the other person says. For example, “You said you enjoyed these types of events, right?»

d) Ask questions:  Keep the conversation going. For example, “Did you read that book, too? It has real great advice.”


End the talk

a) Plan a follow up meeting: You could ask to meet again or exchange information. For example, “Can we meet after the conference to talk more about this interesting offer?”

b) Saying goodbye:  End the conversation politely. For example, “It’s been great talking to you.”


DIRECTIONS: Complete the following ‘small talk’ dialogue. Use a word from the list below.

weather  |  to meet  |  My name  |  first  |  talking  |  sunny

*Note: A misspelled word counts as incorrect.


A: Hello! My name is Connie.

B: Pleased to meet you. I’m Sandra.

A: The weather is great, isn’t it?

B: Oh yes! I like bright and  sunny days, too.

A: So, are you ready for your first day here?

B: Yes, I am.  Well, it was great talking to you.

A: Same here.  Have good day!